Monthly Archives: May 2015

Six ways an accountant can help your business: Part two


Budgeting has to be done at least once annually when planning for the year ahead, but you may also have to revise your budget if you experience fluctuations in your finances during the coming 12 months. This may be a daunting task, especially if you are a new business owner, but a reputable accountant can use a variety of information to produce a Read more

Six steps to managing cash flow: Forecasting


Managing cash flow is down to some basic principles: having more income than expenditure, money arriving in a timely manner, and healthy sales. Forecasting sales and expenditure is a crucial part of managing cash flow, which is where an outsourced accountancy service is Read more

Six ways an accountant can help your business: Part one


An accountant is often mistaken for someone who completes your tax return and prepares accounts. Although they do fulfil these duties, a reputable accountant can do far more for your business than your annual return. Outsourcing finance and accounting will leave you free to concentrate on other aspects of the company, knowing that everything is Read more


Understanding business loans

A business loan typically covers a specified period, usually a number of years, and the amount borrowed is repaid with interest set at a specific rate. Usually, the sum is repaid at monthly intervals, with a fixed payment every month.

Varying amounts can be borrowed and Read more